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Neverending backups: is there a timeout setting?


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Due to frequent network problems, automated backups run by our local Retrospect server occasionally slow down (or stop) but never time out. They sometimes run for days at a time, if left unattended, starving out all other clients and all chances to restart the backup. Is there any way to set a timeout for a backup, so that if it runs too long the next can start up? I have found timeout settings for backup media and FTP connections, but not for connections to backup clients. Setting the client speed threshold isn't sufficient for two reasons: first of all, it only checks once, which does not help if network speed drops during the backup; second, the speed check seems to be incompatible with our latest network configuration anyway. (That is, the speed check fails to connect for all clients and aborts all backups, but with the check turned off 90% of all backups succeed.)


Our server runs Retrospect 6.1 on Mac OS 10.3; our clients run the corresponding client on Mac OS 10.3 and 10.4. Thanks for any help anyone can give; I can provide more details if they help.

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