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What is the behavior when you reach BackupSet Member's max space?

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What is the behavior when you reach a Backup Set Member's max space?



1 Backup Set with one 1 Member on 1 Hard Drive.

Running nightly normal backups of data that average 20GB a night.

If I say to "Use at most" 100 GB of space on this drive, what happens when I try to store more than 100 GB of data to it?


Does it recycle the entire dataset and start to backup the latest data?

Does it throw an error and not backup any data?

Is there a way to make it automatically recycle the dataset if the max space is used?


or preferrably,


Is there a way to make it start throwing away only the oldest sessions of the backup set, instead of throwing away all the data as it would with a pure Recycle backup?





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