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emty Snapshot

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Hi group,


we are using a trail 7 Version of retrospect on Win2000 and Exchange Server 2000.

I like to backup the ExchangeServer. There are no Errors in logile. But if i like to restore the backup i only get a window without snapshot.

Im not sure what happen. I can make a normal Exchange Server backup with the MS backup tool.

My intention is, to make a Exchange Server backup and restore it on another Server with a diffent Name but with the same folder structure as the old one, if the main Exchange Server chrash. Is it posable to restore a Exchange Database to a server with a different name?


Thanks for the help


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You can't restore exchange server in an existing instance of exchange unless you recreate all the mailboxes with the correct names in that instance.In case of crash you can restore the entire volume of your exchange backup without recreating all the mailboxes.If you have no snapshot, that means that you didn't perform a backup of the exchange.Make sure that you activated the exchange agent and that in Configure>Volume you have the exchange server and mailboxes then for the source of your backup select them.



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