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Strategy for two external Harddrives

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I am currently evaluating Retrospect 7.


I plan to use and alternate between two different external harddrives for my backupsets and I intent to alternate between the drives on a irregular basis (like 2-3 time a week) and what is the best way to setup retrospect 7 to handle this?


Do I create two independent backupsets or do I use the new member feature?


What about scheduling, how can I schedule something that is irreular? use proactive? or not?


I am a bit confused on how to set this up?

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I would create an independent disk backup set on each drive and two scripts, one for each drive. You could set one script to run Mon-Wed-Fri and the other script could run Tue-Thu-Sat-Sun. You would use proactive scripts if your backup sources were not always available (such as laptops) or if you have too many sources to back up in one pass. (Proactive scripts back up their sources in the order of when they were last backed up.) Otherwise, you can use a regular scheduled (non-proactive) script. (Non-proactive scripts back up their sources in the order that you list them, regardless of when they were last backed up, and log an error if the source is not available.)


Hope this helps...

Guy Vandenbrink

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