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Ejecting Ext Drive #Annoyance

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Retrospect 9.0.2 (107)
Mac OSX Server 10.10.5
Mac Pro 24GB Ram
Loads'o HD = 30TB of Various Int & Ext Drives


In the last few months, Retrospect has started ejecting the newest* external 8TB GRAID HD after Script runs.

The other 8TB GRAIDs are not ejected.
We have replaced the Drive* twice in case it was faulty ... it is not, been RTM'd and proven AOK.


I have checked all the Scripts and none have Eject Media or such selected.


We have two similar setups in two other offices in the UK and they are rock-solid with no such issue.


Where else might I look for the issue please?





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It sounds like Retrospect may somehow be seeing that drive as a removable disk. Try ticking the box "Don't eject removable disks" in Preferences:Media and see if that makes a difference.



This, if true, would be very interesting.  According to DovidBenAvraham's and my examinations of the appropriate User's Guide, Retrospect Mac 8 eliminated Removable Disk as a Media Set Type (first bulleted item under first paragraph of this section of the Wikipedia article, but also see page 42 of the Retrospect Mac 13 UG).  Retrospect Windows has kept Removable Disk as a Backup Set (Retrospect Windows terminology) Type; that is discussed in this post, with further discussion with regard to not using Removable Disk as the Type for RDX cartridges in the post immediately following it in that thread.


Nevertheless, the Retrospect Mac 13 User's Guide still shows "Don't eject removable disks" as an option in Console Preferences->Media, and the option is actually there in my personal installation of Retrospect 12.5.  I wonder whether the Retrospect Inc. engineers left the option in place for any administrators who had created Removable Disk Backup Sets (also old Retrospect Mac terminology) using Retrospect Mac 6—and were still using them.  Or maybe the engineers didn't have the time or inclination to remove the Preferences code for the option.


Moreover, I occasionally get OS X 10.10.5 error messages about a drive that has been disconnected without first being ejected.  I always get these at the end of or just after an execution of a script by the "backup server" on my Mac Pro, and IIRC I only get the messages for one particular Media Set.  Up to now I had assumed they were caused by a hardware problem with either my add-in USB3 interface card or one of the USB3 cables that came with my pocket-sized drives.  But maybe the messages are caused by the same problem jrpsupport is having (I guarantee these drives were bought and the Media Sets were created 5 years after I stopped using Retrospect Mac 6.1).  I'll check-mark the "Don't eject removable disks" option, and see if the OS X 10.10.5 error messages go away.


P.S.: I check-marked the option the night before last (Tuesday 14 February), but then realized I won't be able to start testing it to see if my 10.10.5 error messages (preceding paragraph) go away for up to a week and a half.  I switch Media Sets once a week, between "Media Set Red" and "Media Set White" and "Media Set Blue".  IIRC I only see the error messages when "Media Set Blue" is mounted.  Last Friday I did the final daily backup to "Media Set Blue" and then put it in my bank safe-deposit box, and started using "Media Set Red" on Saturday.  Tomorrow I'll bring "Media Set Blue" back from the safe-deposit box, but I won't actually start backing up to it until a week from Saturday after a week using "Media Set White".  Still I'll mount it tomorrow on my "backup server" Mac Pro, and see what happens or doesn't happen.

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