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Retro.Config (6.0) error

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Could someone give me an idea on what to do about this? Not real familiar with this app.?

But this doesn't look good.


"File is irreparably damaged; please delete or replace it"


Well I pulled that one out. It took a few tries but it seemed to re-write another one.

Is there going to be any problems. Is this normal? If I just need to re-write on once in a while

why back them up?





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I"m not sure what or where the log is. Not sure what it was trying to do at the time.

iMac 10.5.8

proc; 2.4 GHz

mem; 2GB 800 MHz

Retro; 6.1.138




Something seems scrambled. We work with preps here. When I plug in a file number I don't get all the files, the impo and vps files mostly.

If I open my .job file in preps figure out what specific files its asking for and put that in retro it comes up with those files and the folder

I was looking for in the beginning? But not the impo or vsp files. They should all be in the same folder.

Any ideas?

It must be set to just look at the file name instead of all the fold contents.



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While probably not an issue, there are later versions of Retrospect and the RDU available for download; they are Retrospect version 6.1.230 and Retrospect Driver Update version


The operations log ("Log") can be viewed by selecting Log in the Windows menu in Retrospect. It will list all recent activities and significant errors.


You didn't say where you saw that error message. I don't recall ever having seen it myself. You say:


Well I pulled that one out. It took a few tries but it seemed to re-write another one.

Is there going to be any problems. Is this normal? If I just need to re-write on once in a while

why back them up?

It's not clear to me what you did, and what the words highlighted above refer to. If we're going to help you, we need at least a little more information.

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I didn't highlight those words. If you haven't seen it then I don't know how you can help.

I took it out of Library>prefs>retro folder.


I think we're fine. I guess when all this happened it changed the retrieval options to file, I'm trying enclosed folders now and it look like that'll be fine.

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Having another problem. With the tapes we run a VXA drive with the VXA exabyte tapes.

It will say it restored successfully but nothing. I can go in and see all the files and mark and unmark them.

Its been a while but I think we have retrieved files from there before.

I the I mac did make me force a quit? Don't know if that tells you something?


iMac 10.5.8

proc; 2.4 GHz

mem; 2GB 800 MHz

Retro; 6.1.138


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Is the tape backup set an old one or is it in active use for new backups? If you go to the configure window for this backup set, are any of the tape members marked as missing (with the poof symbol next to the member name)?


You said the iMac "made" you force-quit. Force-quit what; Retrospect? Do you mean that the application quit unexpectedly? Or did Retrospect become unresponsive and you selected force quit in the Apple menu? Were you in the middle of your restore operation at the time?


Did the tape drive run at all during the restore operation?


What type of restore were you attempting; from a snapshot or were you searching for files?


Please give us all of the steps to followed when attempting the restore. Also, how is the tape drive connected to the iMac? Firewire?


Can you write to the tape drive during a backup?

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